Xiaomi Strengthens 4th Position in Egypt Smartphone Market Xiaomi’s market share increases to 11.4% in Q2 compared to 4.7% in Q1 2019

  • Global technology leader Xiaomi further strengthens its No.4 position in Egypt smartphone market. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), Xiaomi ranked 4th in Egypt smartphone market share (units) in Q2 2019, with an increase in its market share amounting to 11.4%, compared to 8.7% during the same period last year.

    IDC statistics also show that Xiaomi had the 3rdplace in terms of the valueof smart phone market share in Egypt in Q2 2019, with an increase amounting to 11.9% compared to 7.94% during the same period last year.

    In H12019, Xiaomi reported a consensus-beating performance, underpinned by its “Smartphone + AIoT” dual-engine strategy that offers operational efficiency and enhanced risk resilience. It is worth mentioning that Xiaomi’s total revenue grew in Q2 2019 by 14.8% to RMB51.95 billion. Adjusted net profit (non-IFRS measure) was RMB3.64 billion, increasing substantially by 71.7% YoY.

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