At the opening of the “CAISEC” 23 conference, in the presence of the Ministers of Supply, Aviation, Electricity and Communications:

  • - Minister of Supply: Cloud computing services, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things are the main pillars of digital transformation

    - Minister of Electricity: What the Egyptian state is witnessing in establishing a modern and secure digital work environment, which requires training cadres on cybersecurity

    - Minister of Communications: 65% of institutions around the world suffer from a shortage of cadres at the level of cybersecurity

    - Osama Kamal: The cybersecurity industry is a great supporter of all sectors


    Books: Bakinam Khaled - Dina Abdel Moneim

    Recently, Dr. Ali Al-Moselhi, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, and Lieutenant General Mohamed Abbas Helmy, Minister of Civil Aviation, inaugurated the activities of the second session of the Information Security and Cybersecurity Conference (Caisec) in its second edition, which was held on the 12th and 13th of June, and is organized by Mercury Communications. Media sponsorship for Digital World newspaper, under the slogan "Cyber Security in the New World Order".

      Dr. Mohamed Shaker, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, also participated in the inauguration, who delivered the speech on behalf of His Excellency Dr. Khaled El-Destawy, Vice President of the Electricity Holding Company - Egypt for Distribution Companies Affairs, and Dr. Amr Talaat, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, who attended on behalf of Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hafez, President Executive Office of the Supreme Council for Cybersecurity and Vice President of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority for Cybersecurity Affairs. Brigadier General Hazem Kamal delivered the Ministry of Defense's speech during the conference.

    Minister Mohamed Ben Omar, Director General of the Arab Organization for Communication and Information Technology, and a number of government officials, decision makers, and leaders of international and local companies in the Egyptian market also participated in the audience.

    In his speech, Dr. Ali Al-Moselhi, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, praised the organization of this important event in its second session, noting that 25 years ago, there was no talk about topics related to cybersecurity, and there was no interest in cybersecurity that we are witnessing today, because the world and institutions were Not connected in this way until the advent of the computer, then the Internet, then the mobile phone, and then entering the era of digital transformation in its contemporary form.

    Cyber attacks

    The Minister of Supply and Internal Trade stressed the need to talk about the new reality, cloud computing services and its types, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things as basic axes for digital transformation, and all these transformations will be extremely dangerous if they are not based on a secured infrastructure with a high degree of accuracy and confidence, as well as the introduction of intelligence. artificial in anticipating cyber attacks.

    He said that the current model for securing information not related to artificial intelligence will not be suitable for protecting the complete digital transformation of factories, companies, institutions and life as a whole, therefore it has become necessary to develop various cyber security mechanisms to become at the highest level of insurance and insurance intelligence to the maximum extent, expressing his happiness to participate in the security conference Caisec, especially its discussion of supply chain protection issues because most of the Ministry of Supply's work is based on supply chains.

    41 billion pounds to develop distribution networks

    For his part, Dr. Mohamed Shaker, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, confirmed in his speech delivered on his behalf by Dr. Khaled El-Destawy, Vice President of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, that in light of what the Egyptian state is witnessing in terms of upgrading work in the new administrative capital and establishing a secure, modern digital work environment, which required rehabilitation. Human cadres on cybersecurity, and this was done in cooperation with many agencies, including the Ministry of Electricity, in light of the spread and dissemination of smart networks, as well as the development of communication mechanisms in repairing electrical faults. The electrical network has turned into a smart network, through several axes, the first of which is smart meters. The first phase has been completed for the project.

    He added that tests are being carried out on those smart meters, and work has also been done to raise the efficiency of transmission and distribution networks, and more than 41 billion pounds have been spent to develop distribution networks and reduce any interruptions, and the specifications for control networks are being reviewed, and with regard to renewable energy, electric cars and green hydrogen, cooperation is taking place. It is also with European countries in the production of green hydrogen, up to the stage of exporting it abroad. The government has also taken care of switching from traditional cars to electric cars. The ministry has connected electricity to more than 160 chargers, and more car charging stations are being implemented with electricity.


    As for the cybersecurity axis, the minister explained that cooperation protocols were signed with the various concerned institutions, and during the current month a cooperation protocol was signed with the Ministry of Communications in the field of cybersecurity with the aim of preparing the cyber plan for the ministry and ensuring cybersecurity requirements and increasing cyber awareness through workshops, stressing on The success of the 23Caisec conference” in its second session, thanking those in charge of organizing the conference, wishing more success and success.

    $8.4 trillion

    Dr. Amr Talaat, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, confirmed in a speech delivered on behalf of His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hafez, Vice President of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority for Cybersecurity, who emphasized that modern technologies have had significant impacts on how to interact with the world, and have provided tremendous opportunities for development and innovation. In various fields, but with it increased cyber challenges.

    The losses of cyber attacks amounted to 8.4 trillion dollars around the world, and it is expected to reach 20 trillion dollars by 2026. The Russian-Ukrainian war witnessed the emergence of a new picture of modern wars, where cyber attacks stop vital institutions and damage infrastructure.

    With the launch of the new republic, he added, the Egyptian state is working to provide comprehensive support for digital transformation by strengthening the infrastructure. The digital Egypt platform has been launched, which includes all government services in one platform to save time and effort. More than 165 services have been provided so far, and to preserve the gains of transformation. Cybersecurity has received special attention, and Egypt was one of the first countries to establish the EgyCert Center in 2009.

    2.4 million jobs

    Abdel Hafez explained that Egypt's digital vision was launched during the past month to enhance cybersecurity and maintain digital transformation and sustainable development. The goals of the vision are the governance of cybersecurity in Egypt to regulate cybersecurity and ensure comprehensive protection of the cybersecurity space. Regulatory frameworks for fifth generation and satellite services have been approved. industrial, securing databases, encryption policies, and cloud computing, as well as developing laws and regulations regulating cyber security in Egypt, and developing a vision for establishing a central wallet to confiscate funds confiscated from dealing in digital currencies.


    He stressed that the human factor represents the most important factors in the cybersecurity system, and vacant jobs exceeded the barrier of 4 million jobs, and last year they reached 2.4 million jobs worldwide, and about 65% of institutions suffer from a shortage of cadres at the level of cybersecurity, and cooperation has been made with some universities and university institutions in this regard regard, several cyber security competitions have been launched.

    He revealed that the first cyber maneuver was organized in Egypt with the participation of 14 government agencies and under the auspices of the Council of Ministers, and other maneuvers with the participation of more than 15 countries, in addition to training workers on how to deal with threats and preparing government training programs, and within the framework of encouraging research and providing support for researchers in the field of cybersecurity. Cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research has been completed to adopt new ideas, and studies have revealed that about 90% of cyber attacks are due to human errors, and therefore work is being done to raise awareness at all levels.

    government presence

    In his opening speech, Osama Kamal, President of Mercury Communications, the organizer of the “Caisec 23” conference and exhibition, welcomed all attendees from local, regional and international public and private companies and institutions. He also thanked all the companies and institutions sponsoring the second session of the “Caisec 23” conference and exhibition for information security and cybersecurity, namely the Ministry of Communications. Information technology is represented by the Supreme Council for Cyber Security of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Aviation, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Tourism, Petroleum, Justice, Transport and the Central Bank of Egypt, the Bank The Libyan Central Committee, the League of Arab States, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the National Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics

    He added that the cybersecurity industry is a great supporter of all sectors because the future is not easy and needs a lot of work, and that the most important thing that should distinguish work is continuity.


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