“Five ways on how businesses can fully harness the potential of Zero Trust”


    Mohammed Amin,


    Senior Vice President, Central Eastern Europe, Middle East, Turkey,

    Africa (CEEMETA) Dell Technologies.




    If trust is the true currency in today’s competitive business

    environment, then Zero Trust is the ultimate measure of an

    organization’s cyber resilience posture.


    Today, in an era dominated by rapidly evolving digital landscapes and

    relentless cyber threats, the need for a robust Zero Trust

    cybersecurity strategy has never been more critical.   According to

    the World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report 2023, widespread

    cybercrime and cyber insecurity feature among the top 10 risks facing

    economies within the next ten years.


    For most businesses today, navigating security is like trying to make

    your way through a high-stakes labyrinth with many different,

    complicated passageways that make it hard to reach the destination.

    Zero Trust can help ease this journey. The Zero Trust security model

    reverses the conventional approach of "trust, then verify." Instead,

    it champions "never trust, always verify," urging organizations not to

    automatically place trust in any user, device, or network, whether

    internal or external.


    A good cyber resilience posture starts with knowing who or what has

    access to your company’s vital assets. Deploying a Zero Trust

    architecture within your infrastructure gives you peace of mind that

    the integrity of your devices, applications and data are secure.


    Across the world, as organizations mark Cybersecurity Awareness Month

    this October, here are five ways in which they can practice and fully

    harness the potential of Zero Trust.


    1. No Trespassing: Hackers, as the saying goes, do not break in, they

    log in. Hackers often prioritize stealing login information rather

    than defeating security controls. Zero Trust can help by implementing

    multifactor authentication (MFA) to restrict API and user access.


    2. Limit Freedom of Movement: Once hackers breach a system, they

    typically acquire the freedom to navigate the entire network. Advanced

    Zero Trust systems focus on privileged access management, controlling

    how access is authorized and used, and removing privileges in case of



    3. Minimize Area of Impact: Zero Trust minimizes cyberattack damage by

    restricting the reach of unauthorized users or malware. It limits the

    impact of an attack, confining it to a specific user and application.

    Network resets when users switch tasks prevent attacks from spreading

    across the organization.


    4. Cut Down on Entry Points: An excessive number of entry points such

    as remote work, interacting with customers through a phone app, and

    connecting remote devices with the main office or Bring Your Own

    Device (BYOD) setups leads to an increase in attack surface and

    expands the potential access points for hackers. Zero Trust ensures

    devices meet specific criteria before joining the network.


    5. Swiftly back on your feet: Cyberattacks happen fast and often when

    they're least expected, causing significant financial damage. That's

    why it's crucial to act swiftly and get back to normal operations. An

    advanced Zero Trust solution continuously monitors both good and bad

    system behavior and speeds up the security response as soon as threats



    The paradigm shift to Zero Trust in cybersecurity is a necessary

    response to the evolving threat landscape and the changing nature of

    work. Embracing Zero Trust is not without its challenges.

    Organizations must embed the Zero Trust philosophy within their

    business culture, and this requires a cultural shift and investments

    in technology and training, but the benefits far outweigh the

    challenges, making it a worthwhile endeavor.


    It's time to embrace Zero Trust as the new standard in cybersecurity

    and fortify our defenses in this ever-changing digital age

    حمّل تطبيق Alamrakamy| عالم رقمي الآن