The Knox Journals: Ensure the Data You Share Stays Private

  • The advanced methods Galaxy employs to keep information safe with Private Sharing and Enhanced Data Protection


    By: Pakinam Khaled


    Concerns over the invasion of privacy and the loss of data ownership have become increasingly common. As technology continues to become further embedded in our everyday lives, our communication increasingly takes place online — which often means sharing sensitive and private information over the Internet.


    It can be hard to know the right way to do this. For example, users might have concerns about the security of third-party messaging platforms. Or might be worried that their private information and data could be lost or compromised in the event of a server attack or the loss of their phone. When connecting to another device, they might also worry about who can see their data, and how to keep it secure.


    Samsung thought of all this and made its mission to keep customers protected so they can safely and comfortably share their data with whomever they choose.


    Private Sharing With Quick Share

    Ever been in a situation like this? Users want to share pictures of their newborn baby or a video from their recent holiday but don’t want to risk them somehow ending up online or visible to anyone other than those they intended.


    Samsung Galaxy has a built-in solution to this problem: Quick Share’s Private Sharing, a privacy-preserving file-sharing function that lets them share their data with peace of mind.


    With Private Sharing, users alone own the data. Users can ensure that only the designated recipients can open the files they’ve send — no one else. They can also set permissions and expiration dates for the data, so it’s only viewable for a limited amount of time. Furthermore, they can give read-only access without the ability to re-share, revoke the data access whenever they like, restrict screenshotting, and see when the recipient received and opened the file.


    Private Sharing makes it safe and easy to share their content, and users can share up to 20 files at once with a total size of up to 200MB. And of course, all their files are securely and fully encrypted when shared, courtesy of blockchain-based encryption technology.


    To use Private Sharing, select the file users want to send and tap the Share icon. Tap Quick Share, followed by the three dots for more options in the top right corner. Then select Turn on Private Sharing. Once the message has been sent, they can check what they’ve sent and change the expiration date or revoke sharing permissions.

    Select file > Quick Share > Three dots (more options) > Turn on Private sharing


    No more worries about misfiring a private photo or file, or having their information fall into the wrong hands. With Quick Share’s Private Sharing, they’re in control of their data and whom they choose to share it with, with visibility into file share status every step of the way.


    Enhanced Data Protection with End-to-End Encryption

    Starting with the Galaxy S24, Enhanced Data Protection offers additional protection for Galaxy devices when users sync or back up their data with Samsung Cloud. This feature mitigates data loss via end-to-end encryption (E2EE), which ensures data can only be encrypted or decrypted on their device and cannot be seen by anyone but them. In other words, they can connect to other devices while staying secure, and their data will be kept safe even if a server is compromised or account details are stolen.


    To use Enhanced Data Protection, open the Samsung Cloud app, tap the three dots for more options, choose Settings, and then Enhanced Data Protection. From here, they can choose to encrypt backup or synced data. Alternatively, they can open their device Settings and go to Security and Privacy to find this feature.

    Samsung Cloud > Three dots (more options) > Settings > Enhanced data protection

    Settings > Security and privacy > More security settings > Enhanced data protection


    End-to-end encrypted data is only accessible on devices using the Enhanced Data Protection feature, and cannot be accessed by anyone else, including Samsung.


    Samsung knows that its users want to be able to enjoy their lives safely with the knowledge that their devices and data are protected. Galaxy enables them to do just that — so they can safely go out there knowing that the Company has their back.

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