On March : ITIDA "opens a new cycle for the ITAC initiative", with 5 million Egyptian pounds in funding for the project

  • by: Basel Khaled  - Mohamed Elkholy

    The Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA), affiliated to the Communications and Information Technology Authority, revealed that, according to the “ITAC” initiative to support research projects for information technology companies, it was decided to open the door for participation in a new round of funding for research projects “CFP 32” and the submission will start at the first From March 2022 and ending by 28 April 2022.


    The deadline varies according to the type of CFP, and the deadlines are as the deadline for submitting “PRP” will be April 14, 2022 at 3 pm, while the deadline for submitting “ARP” is April 21, 2022 at 3 pm, and the deadline for submitting “PDP” will be on April 28, 2022 It's 3 pm.


    ICT companies can apply for PDP fund solely without academic partner upon the fulfillment of the following conditions. The prototype was developed by the company R&D team, the prototype has an innovation that can be patented or published, and the company has a research team that is capable of filling in the role of the research institutes. In such a case, the purchase of fixed assets is not allowed, and the following conditions apply:

    The PI from the industry should have PhD and/or papers and/or patents and either:


     100% affiliated with the company (multiple affiliation is not allowed) Or has a clear evidence (papers or patents or previous ITAC reports) that he has participated in the prototype.

    Team members from the industry partner cannot join other ITAC-funded projects with another affiliation before the successful termination of the previous project and paying the partial fund return.


    The ITAC is pleased to announce the seventh call for product development projects (PDPs) that target electronics products ready for MASS PRODUCTION (i.e., TRL 9 on NASA Scale).  The ceiling of these projects is 5 MEGP and they are fully funded by Egypt Makes Electronics (EME).  (All ITAC rules apply). The same previous condition is applied; electronic companies can apply solely for this fund without the academic partner.


    Egypt Makes Electronics is a national strategy to foster and develop electronics industry in Egypt and positioning Egypt as a regional hub for electronics manufacturing and global destination of choice for electronics design and innovation.


    حمّل تطبيق Alamrakamy| عالم رقمي الآن